2015 Conference

Copyright Law and Policy in the Asia Pacific

The inaugural Asian Pacific Copyright Association’s Conference was held at Victoria University’s Auckland Campus on 27-28 November, 2015. The conference was hosted by the Asian Pacific Copyright Association (APCA), in conjunction with the Centre for Accounting, Governance and Taxation Research at Victoria University of Wellington and the Department of Commercial Law at the University of Auckland Business School.

The theme of the conference was Copyright Law and Policy in the Asia Pacific and was deliberately broad in scope. It attracted presenters and audience from New Zealand, China, United States, Japan and Finland. Presentations addressed a broad array of topics, including copyright in tattoos, copyright in indigenous designs, the impact of 3D printing technology and many other fascinating copyright law related issues. 

Attendees received verification of attendance for the purposes of Continuing Professional Development. Full Conference = 10 CPD hours.    

Keynote Speakers